Why am I here?

Hi there,

So, every time I join a new site, I like to tell people about myself and go from there. However, things tend to be a little bit different these days.

I'm from a community of people who are minor attracted. Sometimes, and often, we are simply called pedophiles and believed to be child abusers. This is as far from the truth as it could possibly be.

I'm an adult who was abused as a child, and who then went on to discover they were attracted to a lot of people and things that for all intents and purposes, they simply shouldn't be capable of being attracted to. No choice was ever given to me, and the choice to seek help and support was taken away from me for a long time. It's not safe to be like me in today's society.

But in recent years, there's been a surge of anti- contact nomaps who have come out of the woodwork to be louder and bolder. To help one another. These people, of which I am one, do not believe that children can consent to romantic or sexual relationships or contact. They do not believe that child pornography, or any child exploitation, is harmless. Many of us are dedicated to not only preventing those sorts of harm, but to also making a network that supports maps as well. This support would include being able to openly discuss who and what we are, as well as having safer access to therapy, and being unfairly targeted in online spaces.

Twitter has recently taken the step to define that our attraction is welcome there so long as we do not promote child abuse or endangerment. This is an AMAZING bit of progress. However, sites like tumblr have still booted us from their platform without so much as an apology or hearing us out.

I have spent much of my life hiding who I am, because it was simpler that way. But I am through with that, as I have more than myself to look out for now.

I'm hoping to meet more people here, bring friends on board, and form a great community here.